Private Booking & Operation Manager Request

Private Booking & Operation Manager Request

A private booking or operation manager is the one who can promote, search and find jobs and control contracts and update your qualified career all the time professionally.

Remember a professional private manager can promote you and make you a superstar and your income can grow you up to %100.

If you are a professional model or actor or …, you need a Professional private Booking and job Operation Manager.  you can choose an international Manager or only a national manager.

For this you can request to have one of these options :
1- Private International Booking & Job Operation Manager in 150 manager
2- Private National Booking & job Operation Manager in 1 country

Term & Condition :
A/ Private International Booking Manager: You will pay %45 of your income from contracts.
B/ Private National Booking Manager: You will pay %35 of your income from contracts.
C/ Mother Agency or Company Booking Manager: You will pay %30 of your income from contracts.

Benefits of personal Operation & Booking Manager?
With a personal manager you going to have these benefits:
1-  Advertise and promote you to the International or National Job markets.
2- Link and communicate with you to the best job casting Companies.
3- Introduce and find new customers.
4- Call, email, answer, operate, meetings, travels, security arrangements, and all your job needs
5-  All customer arrangements
6- All Meetings
7- Control and make decisions of job offers
8- Control all job contracts.
9- control of your job accounting
10 – brings you new opportunities
11- Control your quality and update that with media
12- Support your career
13- Control and support your job safety and security
14- grows up your career and your income.

Need More Information?
Contact customer service for free / with Whatsapp: +33751419600
or email to:

How to Request for private Manager?
Its very easy , just fill up the below form + attach 2 photo + and than click to pay 399 euro registration fee by credit or debit visa or master card or pay pal . once we received your request we will contact you from booking department to process your order .

Private Operation Manager
Private Operation Manager

Private Booking & Operation Manager  – Registration Form

Fill up the form, attach 2 photos and then click the orange color bottom to pay the 399 Euro registration fee by credit, debit card, or pay pal.
Register by computer or notebook. we can’t process without receiving the payment, so do complete the form with payment. If any issue, call customer service with / WhatsApp: +33751419600