Distributors & Corporation

Looking for
Distributors in all countries

Looking for distributors in all countries with big benefit for small invest.We looking for Exclusive or noon exclusive distributors in all countries .The distributors will sale Models and Actors Training online DVD or OVT ( online video training) packages listed in this bellow page.This 15 Training packages now ready to sale in 130 countries . we starting to franchise and looking for your cooperation in each country for exclusive distributors , wholesaler , re-sellers and …

1- Exclusive distributor certificate with minimum order 1000 Euro
2- Noon Exclusive distributor certificate with minimum order 500 Euro

Partnership and Distributors benefit are :  %40 of  total price 

The packages are about :
1- Modeling training
2- Acting training
3- fashion photography
4- fashion makeup
5- film Cameraman
6- fashion style
7- fashion design
8- Kids Training (Modeling Acting )
9- how can be ready for contestant
10- how can be superstar
And …..

Packages Included :
1- Only online training Pack.
2- Training + International Certificate .
3- Training+ Certificate + promote for job opportunity

Bello Models Academy – Paris
Cooperate with : New York Models Academy
Mrs Olga:
Franchise and Contract Department Manager 

Private Operation Manager