Bello Academy T&C
Bello Academy term and condition
Bello models academy follow the bellow term and conditions:
Coerces & payments ,cooperation :
1- We have 2 years academic courses and for start job or use our company benefits every model or actor or members most minimum 3 month train in bello academy .
2- we have live academy student can continue 2 years academic training in each country we have branch .
3- we have online academy we provide training in 125 countries.
4- we have private teacher in 125 countries .
5- we have DVD video training program .
6- some of of our courses with job offer and some of them just training . and some training and certificate .
7 Each courses different process and registration fee .
8 – for training + job we need casting test approval .
9- approval test process price is 50 usd .
10 student after register can not cancel registration . if cancelled by student or any reason, we will not return money bello .
11- money will pay by candidate by . credit card . debit card . pay pal account or online invoice or transfer by western union .
12- student can ask and request any study confirmation latter in period of training too . but this required all course fee paid and finished first . if student paying monthly payment , he most pay finish and than request any document.
13- In services when Freelance models info provide to the Exhalations or events organizer . the final arrangement is give customer models direct contact information by email . so after that our service done . some customers after have contact info with models try new deal with models without let our company knows . so they try stole our freelance model with ordering new price and work direct with models . so our last arrangement is give to customer models Contacts arrangement .and we clear say in all invoice ( By Bello T&C) SO We Cant Retern money after the contact info seeded by email .
14 – we have work shop in bello models courses and student most do all workshops to graduate from bello academy .
15- if student dont do workshops , academy can hold and stop training courses .
cooperation between bello models company and actors and models in job offer time are %30 bello models and %70 Model or actor or member of bello group .
16 – personal manager cooperation are %40 Manager from bello side and %60 model or actor
17- student may have chance to get student job or any international job opportunity , but that required no monthly course fee .