Bello Database
The Biggest Fashion & Film Industry in the world.
As you know International Bello Models Management is biggest fashion and film industry provider in the world with 130 country branch and 10,000.000 film and fashion exclusive profile in own database. so we can provide model or actors to all companies and customers in every countries .
We promote all film and fashion industry , who is a member of Bello Models . we promote you internationally with 500 Booker in booking department and we will put your info in database so all film and fashion clients can access with exclusive id & password and search and find they needs. also you will have chance to become one of IBD Hollywood Database too.
And in another side we have business communication and clients from 130 countries . we made cooperation contract with many film and fashion industry companies in each country. and when they need a new face actor or model or anyone spacial in fashion or film from each country . they contact us and send request to our booking department . we working with
400 Hollywood film and production Companies , victories secret , all fashion week organization . all magazine , designers and Bollywood in India, Dragon group in China and many more. we will serve you with best options .
So if you are :
1- If you are a Model or anyone in Fashion industry , and looking international and big Job ?
2- If you are a Actor or anyone in Film industry , and looking international and big Job ?
3- If you are a company and looking for model or actor or anyone in film or fashion in each country ?
You can register for our worldwide biggest film and fashion Bello Database.
How Can apply for Bello Database ?
How Can become a member of International Bello Database?
For apply to become a member of international database please follow this steps :
A) Models or all fashion industries or film Industries . for example: ( models,Actors .fashion photographers,film cameraman . stage . producers . writers, stylist,hair stile,makeup artists,national directors,trainers, fashion designers , and all fashion & film industries ,… ) you can first, fill the the approval test form attach picture and make $55 casting test fee , from this page : Casting Test and wait 24 hours for email you will receive from us and also you can check your name online in this link Casting Approval List when you receive email please follow email send documents we required and $200 one year Database membership .
You will have :
1- One year promote to the international Clint t to have chance to get job working with bello %30 – %70 . when we book job for you . 2- contract 3- Membership cart . 4- Free training and update 5- Free news latter and update . free job manager .
B) All fashion & film Industry Companies . for example: ( film companies . model agencies . casting companies . fashion designers .protraction companies . film and fashion academies , fashion photographers . magazines . event companies . advertising companies and all who need anyone in film or fashion industry in each country , they can for cooperation only send his information or his company information to us by going to this page . its free for one year. register now send email : Contact Us please don’t forgot to let use subject to database .
Need More information about ? feel free to contact us :
International Support office /
Call whats app free : +66929213600
Email to :