IBD Hollywood
International Bello Database
Film and Fashion industry, International Profiles Database.
The biggest actors, models and all film & fashion industry database in the world with more than 15 million exclusive profile in whole the world. That helps film and fashion companies to search and find the skilled people they need in upcoming projects.
Bello database is the right direction and big chance to the models, actors or everyone in film & fashion industry to who had the dream to work with Hollywood or any big films or fashion projects.
The database also gives a big opportunity to Hollywood and all film & fashion companies in the world to go true and research and make an order for any skill they need for projects. this is exclusive database and the companies with a private key & password can access to the database.
IBD Hollywood start from 2010 in New York City and in the moment that located in One world center – NYC, USA.
We have every day many job offer and thousands of searches about to find people who skilled in film and fashion industry.
Who can Join and become a member of the database ?
What are the benefits of this membership?
And how can apply?
A) – Skilled Members :
Who works in the film and fashion industry and looking for the job internationally.
Actors, Models, producer, fashion designers, fashion photographer. cameraman,… and all who work in film and fashion industry can apply and become a member of IBD Hollywood. they going to link to the all film and fashion companies in the world and chance to have job offer internationally, IBD Identity card, contract. and international booking manager links to free skill training platform and many more. once you are selected by a company for work, you will be contacted immediately for coordination by your booking manager. and all facility accommodation, ticket, visa and pocket money will provide by IBD Hollywood in working time.
Cooperation fee between IBD Hollywood and members in any job offer will be:
Members : %70
IBD Hollywood : %30
For skilled membership, Apply from here :
B) – Companies :
The companies that they looking for skilled people to offers the job to them.
Film companies, modeling agencies, fashion brands, magazines, production companies, event organizers, film & photography studios, TV studios, and all film and fashion companies in whole the world. once you become a member of Ibd Hollywood, you can have private access to the database and search and find what you need and offer. we have all skilled and professionals film and fashion peoples in all countries.
once the companies or who become a user of IBD database we will give them accuses code + Membership identity card and contract.
C) – Do you need training :
Do you want training in a film academy? apply from here.
Hollywood film academy, international filmmaking industry from Hollywood. the only academy that teaches you by the Hollywood standard.
If you intrested to training in any skills, apply from here :