Investment Opportunities

Investment And
Opportunities in Bello Academy in 2020

If you are interested in the film and fashion industries and looking for investment opportunities around the world, the Bello Academy is the best opportunity and favorite brand for the young’s generation.   

Bello Models Academy is the worldwide & International film and fashion industry Academy. this academy one of the Bello Management group companies and links to the world fashion and film market in the world. communicated  & linked from Paris, the Capital of fashion City in the world to New York’s biggest film market. from London to Milan, Spain to Australia. And from Hollywood to Bollywood and dragon in china.

International Bello Management Group link to the IBD Hollywood, The Center of film and fashion industry Database in New York. link to the Hollywood Casting Company. Hollywood film company and the New York models academies to the Paris fashion standard association. And we have so many Opportunities in our worldwide Bello family right now in 2021.

What Kind of
Investment Opportunity in 2020 we have in Bello Academy? 

We have different opportunities in the International Bello Models Management Group and you can choose one of them. That’s up to your Investment and financial ability :

1- Investment in open a country Branch.
You have this opportunity to request for the franchise and have a branch License of :
– Bello Models ( Country Name ) For Example Bello Models Canada 
– Bello Academy ( Country Name ) For Example Bello Models Dubai  or another country if available
For more information about Franchise opportunity click here : 

2- Investment in Beauty Contest National Director.

– Request for one of our ” Beauty Contest National Director ” Licences in your country. Click here 
– Request to become a Bello academy Agent in your country Click here :

For Example, become
National Director of :
Mis University International 2018  ( National Director in your Country )
Miss Airline International 2018  ( National Director in your Country )
We have 20 International Contest. for more info you can contact us on Whatsapp: +33751419600

3-  Distributor of selling our Multi-Media – Training  DVD Products in your Country.
You can go to the contact us and send a vendor request email.

4- Investment in a Models market as a Models Sponsor.
In Bello, you can see our beautiful Models who ready to Market and ready to sponsor a contract. You can choose one or more Models to invest in and be a contract sponsor. and you can own his or her job to manage all future contract fees and benefits.
You can invest a model career from one year to 5 years. and all coming jobs will be under your financial control and you will be exclusive Accounting or investment manager.

Important Note

Last year we had sponsors investing from $100.000  to 10,000 in one year in Hong Kong. We had from $5,000,000 Investment in Las vagus. We had $10,000.000 investor an Arabian investment from Dubai. We had 11,000,000 investment from Macao. And we have 25,000,000 from Singapore. We had an investor from Jakarta – Indonesia with $2000.000 Invest in a male Model and she got $500,000 from the market after one year and…

Minimum Money for any Invest request?
In Bello models you can invest with a minimum of $5000  to the millions of dollar, all depend on available projects.

for more details about available projects, please feel free to contact with :
” Mrs. Olga”
Investment and Franchise Department Manager 

bello models Academy