Career & job Opportunities

Bello Academy from Paris looking for :

Online Marketing Agents 
In all counties and each country 5 agent .

Job description is :
Agents most have ability to do marketing & online marketing to find persons who interested to have international job after training . the job and training will be about film and fashion industry listed in bellow link.
The agents most be able to marketing and good communication to find and register minimum 12 students in 30 day so they can have fix salary about $3000 each month .

How is works  :
1 –  A marketing representative must record up to 12 candidates a month to earn $ 3,000 of fixed monthly salary.
2 – If each agent records more than 12 students per month, they will receive $ 3,000 fixed monthly salary plus $ 200 for each additional record.
3 – If each agent registers less than 12 students per month, they will only have $ 200 for each registration. And then fixed salaries will not be paid to the person. For example, if someone records 11 students, they will only earn $ 2,200.
4 – After employment process we will have short online marketing training for agents . and also we will put agents name and information’s in the website . and the company will provide employment identity card to the agents

There are information about training courses and jobs lists in this link :

 Are ready for apply ?
Send your CV by email to :

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Call Support office /
 whats app free call : +66929213600