About International Casting Test Certificate Organization

About international Bello models academy Paris
May 30, 2021
June 1, 2021

About International Casting Test Certificate Organization

About International Casting Test Certificate Organization

Paris Fashion Standard is the leader and legislator of the fashion and art industry in the world.
At the last meeting of the council in the year 2000, the management decided to establish a talent identification management center called Casting Test Center to legalize talent identification methods and support real talents to maintain the quality of the film, fashion, dance, singing, and music industries.
This worldwide organization center starts 21 years ago with registered and powered by Paris fashion standard. the international casting test organization registred by number (Rg.174712434-2000/Paris – France ) the casting test center in starts was one of the Paris fashion standard Departments and after that grows up and become one of the biggest and academic international casting center in the world in 186 countries.
Casting Test Center Paris is the only official, legal and academic center for the identification, assessment, and evaluation of the arts, including the film, fashion, music, dance, and singing industries in the world. The important option that makes this certificate very special, is powered and legalized by the Paris fashion standard.
The test is performed all over the world online and only done by this official casting test website, under the supervision of Paris fashion standard with an international issued certificate for each stage. Paris Fashion Standard is the leader and legislator of the fashion and art industry in the world. Another important point that makes the casting test certificate very special, is providing certificates in 3 grades to the clients.
Stage one: Grade C. in the start.
Stage two: Grade B. after training
Stage three: Grade A. after a 2-year experience
Grade A is the latest professional grade designed for these art industries. So that all artists can be evaluated and identified in a professional and academic way.

Registered: casting test organization registred by number (Rg.174712434-2000/Paris – France )
Named: Central Casting Test certificate – Paris
Official website: https://castingtest.com
Organization in 186 countries

Pietro Bello. G
Head of the Central Casting Test Organization

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