Request for 12 Month IBD Membership

Request for 12 Month Membership
International IBD Hollywood Database Members

Thank you for interested to become member of worldwide and biggest film and fashion industry database with more than 15.000,000  exclusive profile . that every second searches & offers job opportunities by film and fashion companies around the world. kindly fill up the request form and submit. once we receive it we will process and contact you asap.

Example Profiles : 
Member IBD Hollywood Code – 10000007
Member IBD Hollywood Code – 10000004


For 12 Month Membership request, first fill up the form and attach a identity card photo+1 your photo and than click the orange color button to pay membership fee 300 Euro and submit once we receive your request we will contact you to process your membership profile.

( Attention: if any issue in process please contact (Whats-app : +33751419600)